Welcome to the Biological Engineering Undergraduate Board Page!
The BE Undergraduate Board (BEUB) is a group of student-elected undergraduate BE students who are dedicated to enhancing the Course 20 experience. We organize monthly social events to connect students with faculty and each other, host annual professional development career fairs and lecture series, plan the fall Course 20 freshman orientation program, run the Sophomore Orientation brunch, and more!
Make sure to follow our instagram @mit_beub for upcoming events!
We’re always brainstorming how to better serve our fellow students! Feel free to contact BEUB at any time by emailing beub-exec@mit.edu with any questions or feedback. You can also leave feedback by filling out our eternal survey.
Current Board Members (2024-2025)
If you’re interested in joining the BE Undergraduate Board, lookout for an email at the end of the spring semester to apply for a position!
Hi! I’m Sofia Flores, BEUB’s 2024-2025 President. My favorite BE classes so far have been 20.309, 20.320, and 20.330. I’ve UROPed in the Manalis Lab and the Griffith Lab, both of which I did organ-on-a-chip related research for. I am also very active in MBG as a Big Events senior associate and have planned multiple outreach events such as UROP mixers and poster sessions. I hope to go to graduate school for biological engineering and then work in research & development for diabetes/ obesity treatments!
Professional Development Chairs
Claire Wu ’26and Catherine Kung ’26
Hi everyone! My name is Claire, and I’m a rising junior majoring in Course 20 and minoring in Course 6 from Michigan. This year, Catherine and I will be one of your BEUB Professional Development Chairs. We’re excited to bring many career opportunities to Course 20 students and enhance the experience of being in the BE community. On campus, I’m also involved with UROP, the MIT Biotech Group, and dynaMIT. Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts or suggestions- I’m looking forward to meeting you!
Hi! I’m Catherine, a junior and Professional Development co-chair with Claire! We’re super excited to be part of this board and are working hard to bring opportunities like the Career Expo to you 🙂 Outside of BEUB, I’m part of the UA, AAI, and DPhiE. I play violin for the Emerson/Harris program and the chamber music society, and I UROP in the Jasanoff lab. Looking forward to a great year!
FPOP Coordinators and Social Chairs
Isaac Lock ’25, Clarence Zheng ’26, & Mateo Stagg ’26
I’m Isaac, a course 20 and 24-1 (philosophy) in the class of 2025. I’m from Abilene, Texas, and I enjoy reading, photography, and gaming. Outside of BE, I’m also involved in the Concourse learning community, the MIT Civil Discourse Project, the UA’s Student Support and Wellbeing Committee (WellComm), UROP in the Page Lab, and TA for two classes: CC.110 and 20.309. I am super excited to help organize the course 20 FPOP to introduce incoming freshmen to course 20 and get them excited about BE at MIT. I’m also excited to help build community in course 20 as Social Chair by organizing events to bring BE students closer together and give them a break from the stressful environment of MIT.
Clarence is an FPOP Coordinator/Social Chair this year. He UROPs in the Synthetic Neurobiology Group, where he works on a project involving spatial multiplexing of fluorescent biosensors, and is a double major in Chemistry. Outside of academics, he is a member of the MIT Biotech Group and plays the cello in the MIT Chamber Music Society.
Isabella Gandara ’25
Hi BE students! I’m Isabella, a ’24-turned-’25 who is majoring in Course 20 and minoring in STS. As Secretary-Webmaster, I’m hoping to revitalize the BEUB’s communication channels, including this website, to support our amazing BEUB in reaching our campus community.
Treasurer/Lounge Master
Tilly Swanson ’25
Hi all! My name is Tilly and I am a senior majoring in course 20 and minoring in course 2. Outside of BEUB I am on the MIT debate team and part of McCormick Hall house gov! This year I am hoping to improve the ~ vibes ~ of the lounge so let me know if you have any decor suggestions! We will also of course still have the regular snacks.